Beautiful Tips to Make You More Beautiful

 This evening, while seeing a stunning girl on a television show describe herself as "not very pretty or appealing," I was thinking about my own idea of beauty and wanted to know yours.

What is the definition of beauty? According to the Oxford dictionary, it is "a combination of aesthetic attributes, such as shape, color, or form, that satisfies the aesthetic senses, particularly sight."

However, what do you believe constitutes beauty? Is it your facial symmetry, your bone structure, your body form, your color, race, age, or weight, or how flat your stomach is? Do you believe that beauty is defined by what you see on television or what is popularized by culture or trends? Or is beauty determined by the facialists and makeup artists who alter your appearance and instill a sense of youth in you?

Each culture has its own meaning and interpretation of beauty. The Kayan tribes, for example, feel that long giraffe necks are the greatest symbol of beauty. As a result, children as young as five years old begin priming their necks with hefty brass rings. Similarly, individuals from other regions of Asia frequently regard pale or white complexion as a symbol of wealth and attractiveness.

There is a possibility that some of these cultural and regional conceptions of beauty influenced you as a child.

Redefinition of what true beauty is

Have you ever examined a mirror that is entirely steamed and fogged up following a hot and steamy bath? That is, I believe, how we evaluate our own beauty.

We can see ourselves, but the mirror has been obscured by a variety of life experiences and memories as we grew older. And we struggle to conform to our own standards of beauty. As a result, it is past time for us to rethink what it truly means to be attractive.

True beauty, according to Ayurveda, is defined as "Roopam, gunam, vayastyag, iti shubhanga karanam."

Here, roopam refers to exterior beauty (a healthy head of hair and a clear, radiant complexion), gunam to inner beauty (a kind demeanor and an innocent heart), and vayastyag to permanent beauty (reflected by feeling young and healthy). This holistic sense of beauty is within everyone's reach and is inextricably linked to total physical and mental wellness.

True beauty is found in accepting oneself and understanding that your flaws are a part of who you are. Beauty is the radiance of the spirit, self- and other-kindness, a strong character, strength, and self-confidence. In simpler terms, beauty is being emotionally and physically well.

This is not my opinion; a recent yearly beauty survey of over 20,000 male and female consumers in 20 markets worldwide indicated that looking healthy is the highest-rated definition of beauty. This was closely followed by "hygiene and cleanliness," "inner confidence," and "being at ease in your own skin," while "appearing presentable," "maintaining a young appearance," and "looking your best" ranked lower.

Factors Affecting The Appearance Of A Beautiful Body

The majority of beauty advice are geared toward providing you with hacks that offer an instant answer to your problems. However, if you concentrate on the characteristics stated below, you will actually feel gorgeous.

Stress is the key factor that contributes to significant hormonal abnormalities within your body. Additionally, it damages the skin's barrier function, impairing its ability to absorb and retain moisture. Dehydrated skin seems to be dry, spotty, and flaky over time. Stress is related to the balance of the three doshas in Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).

The simplest technique to reduce stress is to incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine. Daily activities such as going for a walk and practicing yoga and meditation assist with stress management.


Sleep deprivation at night makes you sleepy and exhausted the next day. Additionally, it causes your skin to adjust to the lack of rest, which results in the loss of radiance. Under-eye bags, sagging skin, and dark circles can occur. According to Ayurveda, sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day is insufficient; one must also sleep at the appropriate time.

Inadequate Nutrition

Ayurveda proclaims, "When food is consumed properly, it is medicine." What you eat has a direct impact on how healthy you feel. Consume vitamin and mineral-rich foods to keep your gut healthy and your skin shining. Add colorful fruits and veggies to your diet to detoxify your skin and achieve supple, acne-free skin.

Sunscreen Ignorance

Even if your profession does not require you to be outside, your skin is exposed to the sun's dangerous UVA and UVB radiation, which cause permanent damage. As a result, you should use natural sunscreens with an SPF of 21 or greater. Otherwise, the rays infiltrate your skin, damage the collagen cells, and eventually result in pigmentation and tanning.

Naturally, creating has a detrimental effect on your body. However, are you aware that it depletes your skin of vital minerals and antioxidants, resulting in the deterioration of the skin's basic components of collagen and elastin?

Uneven skin, drooping, and the appearance of fine wrinkles will result from these afflicted units. Additionally, a study established that smoking clogs the pores of the skin, resulting in acne.


Environmental contaminants come in a variety of forms and each has a unique effect on our bodies and skin. For instance, chemicals such as tar and oil can clog our pores, resulting in acne or folliculitis, while other elements can induce fluid buildup in the skin, resulting in tissue breakdown. Additionally, they can result in bacterial infections, hair loss, and uneven skin pigmentation. Extreme climatic conditions can potentially cause damage to your health and skin if you are not careful.

When the air is excessively polluted, it is critical to dress appropriately for the weather, to apply sunscreen periodically, and to cover your face to prevent it from environmental damage. Additionally, cleansing your skin in the morning and at night is critical, as is using natural oils such as Moringa Oil to repair pollution-induced skin damage.

Skin And Hair Care Suggestions

When it comes to skincare and hair routines, we are constantly inundated with products, views, and advice. I don't blame you if you're perplexed and your skincare routine is disorganized. From your dermatologist advising you to increase your antioxidant intake to your granny advising you to avoid chemicals and go natural, everyone has an opinion and piece of advise.

To make your life easier, I've compiled a list of beauty suggestions that are both effective and simple to implement. Believe me, even a couple of them will help you feel more radiant and gorgeous.

The Best Face and Body Skin Care Tips

One of the most common mistakes people make when attempting to care for their skin is following what others recommend or what works for them. Ayurveda highlights how unique each individual is.

1. Become familiar with your skin type and how it reacts to the weather.

The first step is to determine which doshas are most noticeable on your skin. The following are some of the features of the various doshas. You may have one or more. Additionally, you may be aware that certain doshas are worsened by changes in weather.

Vata Skin Type - Your skin is delicate, dry, with fine pores, and typically chilly to the touch. You may suffer excessive dryness in certain climates, and your skin is prone to ageing and stress indications.

Pitta Skin Type - Pitta skin is often light in color and warm to the touch. Pitta skin is thicker and prone to breakouts. Additionally, this type of skin is more prone to rashes.

Kapha Skin Type - This type of skin is more dense and oily. While persons with Kapha skin types do not typically experience premature aging, they frequently experience excessive oiliness and enlarged pores, which attract dirt and create pimples.

2. Acquire the ability to treat your doshas

While identifying and treating your doshas is a lengthy process, here are some beauty advice for you based on your dosha.

Vata Skin Type - Because your skin is unable to retain moisture, it need moisturisation and hydration. As a result, ensure that you drink plenty of water and moisturize your skin with natural, nutritious moisturizers. In the winter, you can even use coconut oil on your skin to hydrate it.

Pitta Skin Type - Because your skin is delicate, you should avoid harsh conditions such as prolonged sun exposure. Utilize natural cleansers and moisturizers formulated for sensitive skin, and wear sunscreen prior to venturing out.

Kapha Skin Type - Because your skin is prone to absorbing oil and debris, you should prioritize proper washing. Apart from cleaning your face at least twice a day, you should exfoliate it once or twice a week.

3. Use milk to bathe your skin

If you have itchy or inflamed skin, a milk bath can be soothing and comforting. Due to the lipids and lactic acid in milk, it offers incredible softening and moisturizing effects. You can also soak a cotton ball in a small bowl of raw milk and apply it once a day to the face and neck. This assists in the removal of debris from your pores. Masks made with full-fat milk or cream are excellent for relaxing and nourishing the skin. If you are a vegan, coconut milk may be substituted because it has similar qualities.

4. Scrub Your Skin While Bathing With A Dry Brush

According to Ayurveda, dry brushing our bodies with natural bristles is critical for toned and firm skin. It is excellent for areas that retain fluid and aids in the reduction of cellulite. Begin with your feet and massage in upward, circular motions toward your heart. Rinse well.

It is recommended that Vata and Pitta skin types with sensitive and dry skin use gentler brushes that are efficient but less abrasive during exfoliation. You can use a natural bristle brush on Kapha skin.

5. Apply Aloe Vera To Your Face Daily

Aloe Vera is beneficial for more than sunburns. Additionally, it contributes to the skin's smoothness, suppleness, and youthful appearance. While some people use it as a toner or treatment, others swear by a daily swig mixed with juice. Simply apply Aloe Vera to your face and neck, wait 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse with plain water.


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